
Saturday, June 29, 2019

Saturday Critters ~ 289 ~

Celebrating Birds

I have had a fascination with birds since I was a child.
It started with my Aunt Dot...
Pop filled the feeders with seed, the suet feeders were filled with suet cakes Aunt Dot made herself. 
I sat with her at the dining room window, 
she taught me the enthusiastic passion I have for bird watching that I have today!
When I watch the birds in my backyard, I often think of her!

Thanks to my sister, 
I am so lucky to have my Aunt Dot's Bird Book!

We use to see lots of Catbirds at her window, you can see the little "x" marks on the page.

So in honor of and in memory of are some,

Actually, just one...that liked having it's picture taken!


  1. Hello Debbie! Awesome Catbird photos. It is nice you have your Aunt's bird book, that is a treasure. A nice memory of your Aunt being a birdwatcher. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. Thanks also for leaving me a comment.

  2. That third picture is as if he is performing for you.....

  3. Special memories, Debbie. You were fortunate to have your aunt in your life. That book is precious.

  4. Elegant pictures of an elegant bird, Debbie. Your Aunt Dot would be very pleased that your passion for birds has continued right through your life.

  5. I love that old ID book...what a treasure! And your Catbird pics are great. We love hearing the mewww of a Catbird! Enjoy your weekend. Stay cool!

  6. Beautiful pictures of the Catbird. It is so special that you have that old book to look back into.

  7. What a personable bird! Gorgeous photos Debbie.
    Such a loving tribute to your dear Aunt and her book is precious.
    I also love the birds-in-the-nest piece.

  8. What a special way to remember your aunt. Your little cat bird is precious, and was definitely enjoying posing for you!

  9. I don't have one, but I remember that bird guide! Beautiful photos! The detail is wonderful.

  10. I am not an avid birdwatcher but I do enjoy watching them from my balcony... and, I might add, seeing those gorgeous photos you take of them.

  11. Aunt Dot would love to see that you take such beautiful pictures of the birds and share them with us all. My favorite has got to be the 3rd bird picture that is fabulous shot.

  12. This little Catbird is a beauty. It looks like this little one enjoyed being photographed.I love that your Aunt Dot created in you a love for bird watching. We are all blessed by your photos.
    Blessings and hugs!

  13. That is very special that you have your Aunt's bird book.
    Lovely photographs you've shared with us, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  14. I can tell, because you feature them a lot with such gorgeous photos and great knowledge!
