
Friday, May 31, 2019

A Day In The Life...

Have you visited a hospital lately?
If you answered yes, were you the patient or a visitor?
I recently spent a week as an in-patient in my favorite hospital...
and I have a few tips and tricks to share with those that may be interested.

If you want a room in the emergency room right away, travel by ambulance.
Even if you only need a few stitches, traveling by ambulance is the way to go.
You'll get pushed to the front of the line, and bypass all those laying in the hallway.
This is frustrating to those laying in the hallway with a 103 temperature,
in excruciating pain - that was me.
Eat all you want and don't plan on losing any weight if you don't eat.
After not eating for three days, if you are lucky like me,
* sarcastic tone *
you will only gain 3 pounds. 
If you don't think you should take the pills the nurse is trying to give you, don't take them,
you could end up in the Critical Care Unit.
If you never start your bed bath, no one will come to see you.
If you start it, 
the entire world, including your doctor, will visit for sure. 
You are right when you think that the physical therapist is way too happy,
that the food sucks and that there is no place like home.

I have been home for a week and I am definitely feeling better.
The kidney infection and fevers are gone and the shingles are better,
but boy are they painful!

and the butterflies just keep coming...I have lost count but I can figure it out.
I'll keep you all posted!

Sunday, May 26, 2019


I've had a little "bump" in the road...broken but healing.
I hope to be writing my stories...and holding my camera soon!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Lake Of The Lilies

The Swans are back at Lake of the Lilies and they were not camera shy when I visited!
In fact, it seemed to me like this one was posing for my pictures.

As I turned to leave...
this Swan turned it's head and flicked the water...

and decided to play hard to get...

I'm so happy they are back!

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Saturday Critters ~ 283 ~

On a recent trip to Lake of the Lilies,

 I was very surprised to see a Lesser Yellowlegs.
This is an elegant wading bird with long, very bright orange-yellow legs.
It's bill is thin, long and straight.

I was also surprised to see the Least Sandpipers as well...

there were so many, you can see in this picture, just how tiny they were.

They moved a lot more and a lot quicker, they were very difficult to photograph.

I saw a lot of great wildlife today that I will share pictures of in the upcoming days!

Many thanks to David at Travels With Birds for helping me to identify these birds correctly!

Sharing today with

Friday, May 17, 2019

Black Swallowtails!

If you follow my blog, 
you know that I have recently been releasing butterflies from last years group of caterpillars.
At the end of last season, 
10 or so of the chrysalis I had caged did not release to butterflies.
They "overwintered" in the cage, in the garage, in chrysalis form, 
and a week or so ago, they began emerging.
2 more of them emerged and were released back to nature.
These two are the 6th and 7th.

One flew off quickly, the other stayed around for a little while, and I was thrilled with that!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Holy Cows

In keeping with this weeks theme, The Alpaca FarmThe Coop and Yarn & Fiber
today I'm sharing more farm and farming pictures.
When I leave Arrow Acres Farm, there is another farm right on the corner.
By the time I hit this place, I am usually exhausted and farmed out,
but on Saturday, the cows were out, they were looking mighty fine, so we stopped.

There were three cows, all three looked exactly the same.

This one was "not too thrilled" with the girl with the camera...

and came very close...too close, so I backed up!

The other two were not at all interested in the girl with the camera.

They were a really pretty brownish, reddish, rust color!
I like their little tails!!

Synchronized eating...

Number two cow noticed me and charged toward me...time to leave!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Yarn Along

I am still working on the Neapolitan Cowl I started last week.
This Cowl will make a really nice Christmas gift for one of my nieces.

As I have said before, this is such an easy project to knit,
knitting and purling is all that is required to produce this beautiful pattern.
For this cowl, I am using DyeForMe merino baby alpaca,
it is so soft and so very nice to knit with!

In other news...

we now have 4 eggs in the nest in my wreath...

I'm pretty sure we have babies in here,
mom and dad have become increasingly "freaked out" when I walk by.

And I am pretty sure we have a nest in my pretty outdoor chair,
behind the pillow...I am afraid to look.

So many babies...I am so excited!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Coop

The best part about a Visiting the Farm is seeing the alpaca's...
but the second best part is spending time in  

The Coop

Yummy yarn...

and beautiful handmade gift items!

There's always something or someone cute on the porch!

They have Bluebird boxes on the farm,
and sister Liz had spotted some Bluebirds that she was excited for me to photograph.
I was not able to get very close but I was so excited to get to see them.
I think this is a female, not a bright blue!

Leaving the farm is always a treat of you drive by the farms old pick up truck.
I enjoy being outdoors, I love being on the farm!

Monday, May 13, 2019

Fun On The Farm

My happy place, where I met an amazing family, fell in love with alpacas
and where I learned how to knit!

In about a week, the alpaca will be getting their haircuts,
I was so happy to go and visit them Saturday and see them in full fluff!

Saturday, the weather was jacket was required!!

More from the Farm and the Coop tomorrow!