
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Cherry Blossom Festival

We were not able to go to Washington this year to see the Cherry Blossoms.
Instead we went to Branch Brook Park in Essex County to see their Cherry Blossom display.
We have been here before,
this year we went too early in the season and most of the trees were still in bud.

5,000 pink and white Cherry Blossom trees bloom each spring in the park.
It is the largest and most diverse collection in the world,
even greater than that of our nation's capital, Washington, D.C.

There were some trees blooming, 
primarily the pink ones and they were especially beautiful.

There's a bike path around the park that is pretty flat.
We knew that and brought the bikes with us...and I was able to ride.
It was such a beautiful day, we enjoyed the ride so much.
The hubs doesn't know it yet, but we are going back this coming weekend,
I would enjoy seeing all of the trees showing off!

And I am wearing my official "Cherry Blossom Scarf" that I got last year in Washington,
good thing I remembered to wear it!


  1. That is one beautiful sight. Enjoy your return trip.

  2. Hello, the cherry blossoms are beautiful. Love the last shot of you and the hubby! Enjoy your day and week ahead!

  3. I can think of nothing better than riding a bike around all those beautiful trees and oh the smell! Great picture of the two of you.

  4. Oh wow that is just gorgeous, there is just something special about a blooming tree that just puts a big smile on my face :) Glad you had a good ride and the trip was probably much easier than going to Washington!

  5. Oh goodness what beautiful photos, those blossoms are just incredible! You both look to be really enjoying yourself too!

  6. So beautiful. .... this could easily be a bucket list item for me... Except it’s already too long ! many beautiful places, so little time. Blog sharing is the next best thing!

  7. What a beautiful day. I think I would like that place better. Hopefully less people.

  8. Oh so very Beautiful the blossom's. You two are picture of happiness. How long have you been married.
    And your love remains true. My hubby and I are same. We are 57 years.

  9. They may not have been in full bloom, but you sure did get beautiful pictures.

  10. You've shared some wonderful photographs …
    Love the last picture of the two of you, and your scarf is the perfect colour.

    All the best Jan

  11. Debbie - simply heavenly. We are still knee-deep in mud, and we even got an inch of snow today. So your pictures are a sight for sore eyes! I especially admire the close-ups! Enjoy your return trip - and I can't wait to see more photos!

  12. Cherry Blossoms in flower en masse is truly a beautiful sight. How lovely to ride your bikes...sounds like such fun.

  13. Preciosa primavera. Llega con mucha vida.
    Un abrazo.

  14. I love the pink blooms. The last photo is perfect too.

  15. Those cherry blossoms are just stunning

  16. Gorgeous blossoms! Looking forward to seeing the next set of photos!

  17. Oh yea - definitely go back to see them in full bloom - it will be amazing!
