
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

A Misty Morning

A vast blanket of fog hung over the hill,
the trees were veiled in a dense, heavy mist...we could not see our beloved river! 

The early morning fog loomed for as far as the eye could see,
it was almost tangible,
shrouding everything in a thick white vail.

It was mysterious and magical!


  1. Me gusta la niebla Debbie tiene magia, nos deja imágenes bellísimas. Al pájaro tambiém le gusta.
    Buena semana.
    Un abrazo.

    1. I like the fog Debbie has magic, she leaves us beautiful images. The bird also likes it.
      Good week.
      A hug.

  2. It was indeed magical!

    Born and raised in Newfoundland, fog was a way of life. In PEI fog is a rarity. I enjoy it more now.

  3. Debbie, I like the fog....till I think of people out in it trying to get to work. I remember my white knuckle days driving in it to get to work. LOL I just read the previous post. OMG, I loved all the beautiful trees. I would have loved to have smelled the fragrance in the air that day. You and your husband looked like you were having fun. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  4. It is serene and peaceful... :) shhh.

  5. Hello, the early morning fog is magical. We had a few mornings like this. Enjoy your day, have a great week ahead.

  6. mist and trees in silhouette...nothing beats that

  7. It is something how there is a mystical feeling about the fog, I love how you can see a touch of green in your tree too! That last shot is so cool with the bird and the foggy background!

  8. Beautiful photos Debbie , and I love a good fog not that we get many here, but they are mysterious and magical. Cheers, Pauline

  9. Unusual and mystical! But in the same time so quietly...

  10. This photos are spectacular in so many ways. I can see one of them as a picture cover for a good mystery book. Always love your work!
    Big Hugs~

  11. So beautiful and mysterious! Wonderful photos! x Karen

  12. Atmospheric shots Debbie I love them I will be away in my old caravan over Eater so will not be able to comment. Have a lovely Easter.

  13. Magical, misty mornings are my favourite as they always produce amazing theatrical opportunities for gorgeous photos. AND....yours Debbie are sublime!

  14. Such atmospheric photographs … I like the description mysterious and magical.

    All the best Jan
