
Sunday, March 31, 2019

A Sunday Drive

This may be the perfect vehicle...

who wants to come with?

ps...I have a "thing" for old trucks, I love it just the way it is!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Saturday Critters ~ 276 ~

Sitting in my home office, 
I glanced out the window and noticed how still the feeders are.
The food I placed into the feeders yesterday is still there,
no one has been by to eat the seeds or drink from the bird bath.

Where there once was "standing room - waiting room" only at the feeders...
now there is nothing!

And then, what to my wondering eyes should appear...
a huge low flying hawk right across the back yard.
The same hawk the hubs had seen the day before.

Is he using my yard as part of his flight pattern?

My Mockingbirds have returned, I have not seen them all winter.
Perhaps they did not receive the hawk memo. 
They are easy to observe and very easy to photograph!

I did see several Male Cardinals this week.

The Song Sparrows eat primarily off the ground.

I see The Male Downy Woodpeckers every day, they are here year round and only eat suet.

I keep hoping the activity will return to normal,
but with that said, I am glad the birds are smart enough to stay out of harms way.

Sharing today with
Eileen at Viewing Nature With Eileen
and Anni at 
I'd Rather B Birdin'

Friday, March 29, 2019

Spring Concert

My great niece Lorelei had her Spring Concert at school.
When I entered the auditorium, she screamed my name and ran at lightning speed toward me.
oh the joy...
to be so important to this little girl and her sister...
to feel so special and be so loved...

And oh the dress, the dress was spectacular...
Addie has one too and they will wear them for Easter!

She knew exactly where I was standing...
their were lots of smiles and waves pointed in my direction.

Mom and Dad were on the other side...

they got lots of smiles and waves as well!
She knew every word to every song, even the songs for the other class.
She is spunky and spirited and has a personality like no other.

We went and had dinner afterward and she insisted she sit next to me.
We talked, we colored, we cuddled when she got tired,
oh what a night!! 

Many thanks to my niece and her husband for always including me in everything the kids do.

I love their two children, Addie & Lorelei
I love them more than I thought I could ever love.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

It's Time To Start The Seeds

It's time to start the garden...
I think I am starting a little late this year, but I was excited yesterday to get some seeds going.

I got my seeds at the Philadelphia Flower Show...
this is a brand I have never seen nor heard of, and since I got them at the show,
I have convinced myself that these are going to be awesome.
The Cosmonaut is nicknamed "Out of this World"
The girl at the booth assured me that these are the best, huge producers,
I am excited!!

I always start my indoor plants with Jiffy Pots,
when it's time to plant them outdoors, the pots go right into the ground or pot!

It is a miracle to think that these tiny seeds will produce "hundreds" of tomatoes,
hehehe, my thoughts are ambitious!

They are all marked...

they have a nice sunny spot in the family room, soon we will be seeing little sprouts!

I wish I had picked up my other seeds, I'm not sure why I did not think of that!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Longwood Gardens Part II

We visited the gardens on Sunday.
If you missed the first post, it's worth peeking at here.

Today starts with yellow, which is becoming a much loved color for me.
It reminds me of warmth, summer and happiness.

This is an Orchid

The next two are Lilies 

These were quite beautiful, I don't remember the name of this flower.

The next three flowers are Hibiscus, they were perfectly stunning. 

The next two are Lilies 

The next three are Orchids

Daffodils and Tulips

Inside the Conservatory the grass is lush green.

It was a pretty day, inside and outside the Conservatory. 
The sun was bright, the sky was blue and it was about 60 degrees outside.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Longwood Gardens in Early Spring

Spring is starting to erupt at 
During March, the Orchids are on display in the gardens,
it is the largest and most diverse display of orchids I have ever seen.

We visited on Sunday, 
here we are surrounded by orchids but there is a gorgeous display of spring flowers as well.

The next three pictures are of the purple Poppy Anemone,
these were my favorites.

The next three pictures are of the 
Himalayan Blue Poppies
This poppy is native to the high elevations of the Himalayan mountains
and are rarely cultivated outside their natural habitat. 
Given the right conditions, they can thrive in gardens located in the northern regions of
North America and Europe.
These were a real treat to see.

These pink spheres are constructed with Orchids

Pink Shasta Daisies 

A wall of Orchids

It is difficult to express with words how you feel as you walk through the gardens.
The paths are illuminated with sunlight, 
the air is filled with the sweet, delightful fragrance from the flowers...
and colors, only mother nature herself can create.

All of the displays are breathtaking, a delight for all the senses! 

More from Longwood Gardens tomorrow!

Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Female Downy Woodpecker

A frequent visitor to the feeders, I feel like I see a lot more males than females.
The sexes are similar, but the boys have a red patch on their upper nape.

I was not sure if this was a male or female...

until she gave me a good look at the back of her head.
No red patch = this is a girl.

My bird book states it is the smallest woodpecker in North America,
that often feeds on slender branches, the males more so than the females.
I see this woodpecker year round, they are rather unobtrusive,
easy to observe and easy to photograph.