
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Yarn Along

My needles are still click, click, clicking on the 
Chevron Baby Blanket

I finished 5 color blocks this week which equates to 50 rows,
which is good but I usually knit more...I have been very tired this past week.
I have 3 color blocks to finish and she will be all done.
I am going to start a boy blanket next, I already have the yarn,
I loaded up on yarn the last time I yarn shopped.

I also promised a friend I would knit her a scarf,
so I better get busy on that.
Nothing gets your butt in gear quite like a knitting promise!

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Of Love & Sea Glass

Sea Glass is a rare treasure brought to the beach by surging tides.
Tumbling in the ocean for years or even decades,
the ocean takes old, broken pieces of glass and turns the glass frosted and the edges soft.
No two pieces are the same...the color, size and shape are unique, 
once the treasure is found, the mystery of it's origin begins.

I have been collecting sea glass since I was a young girl,
most of my older pieces came from 
Seaside, New Jersey.

I have a pretty large collection, a lot of it sits on this open shelf in the kitchen.

This white tray is in the center of the shelf.
Much of this glass is separated into individual glass containers,
the white strips of paper memorialize the date and place I found it.

This grouping is to the left of the tray...
the large purple shell is one that the hubs bought and threw down on the beach for me to find.
He does that often with glass and shells and enjoys watching me find them. 

I do pick up shells in addition to glass, pretty one's that are whole and unique.

Now I am just keeping all the sea glass I find in this large glass bowl,
I am not separating it out anymore.

This is a close up of the right side of the shelf.

This is the table the hubs made for me, displaying a lot of my older glass pieces.

This table is in the same room with more beach glass memorabilia. 

This shell dish holds some favorite pieces...
there are some small pieces of glass in the cup to the right.

Some of my books...

more favorite pieces...

a close up of favorites...

these red pieces are considered to be very rare, the hubs found both of them.

More shells and pretty rocks.

I met the author of this book at a Sea Glass Show,
and he signed the book for me.

This book came from my favorite cousin Evelyn, I am so happy she wrote that sweet message.

This book is a favorite, also signed by the author.

Hunting for sea glass is more than just an occasional obsession.
It is a way for me to spend hours alone with just Chuck and the ocean.
It is a way for me to appreciate the vastness of the open water
and the miracle that is the sea!

Monday, May 28, 2018

Happy Memorial Day

Celebrate - Honor - Remember

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Saturday Critters ~ 232 ~

A Backroad: a small country road, often unused with very little traffic.
 Tree lined streets, barns, farms, dirt paths, 
white picket fences, clean air and plenty of animals & wildlife.
We found these cows and sweet little calves back in April, on a ride in the country.

- snuggles -

- sweet kisses -

The moral of the story...
travel the back roads...I always find it to be so much more rewarding!

Sharing today with

Friday, May 25, 2018

Barlows... favorite garden center...

I could spend the entire day here...

gorgeous flowers for as far as the eye can see.

And they have a koi pond.
I got hung up on the Gerber - the blooms and colors were stunning.

The Dahlia were equally gorgeous...
but there were so many people hanging around them,
I only got a few pictures.
And can I say, really peeps - you see I have a camera, that I am trying to get pictures...
this is the stick eye - move to the left or move to the right!
Honestly, people actually asked if they were in my way, and I politely said "no"!

Both of these are great flowers to have in your garden...
to cut and enjoy inside!

Thursday, May 24, 2018


- we went to see -

what a great movie, with a twist...did you know there was a twist?
I didn't know...

Charlize Theron was awesome, she always is...

Once again the place was packed...not!

Not another soul in the theater!!

We got the large popcorn...
I always say I am not going to eat any, 
and I always end up scoffing down half the bag.
Then I have popcorn regret.

An afternoon show, my favorite time to go!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Yarn Along

I finished my Gallatin Scarf.
To say I am happy with the way it turned out would be a huge understatement.
I am over the moon excited as 
this is the first "difficult" project that I started and completed on my own.

The lace lines up perfectly in 97 percent of the scarf...

it hangs - drapes beautifully...

and I really love the way it looks.
It's cool and lightweight and a beautiful accessory to any of my many white shirts.

I am still working on my fourth baby blanket.
I am making these blankets to save and store, so when I need one, one will be available.
I only finished 4 color blocks this week.
I try to do one per night, that is 10 rows a night which is quite do-able for me.

That's it - it was an exciting knitting week!