
Thursday, July 6, 2017

Celebrating the 4th...

- It's a cute, beach community -
With a tradition to have their own little parade on the 4th of July.
It's a tight knit group, where my niece and her husband live.
On the 4th, you decorate your bike, your golf cart, your wagon...
and walk together, parade style.

Here come my girls Adelina and Lorelei in their red wagon...

Three pictures of Lorelei, with her red hair and spunky personality.
Most people just see the red hair but she is as sweet as sweet can be,
- with a small side of tough -

Then there is Adelina, she is 4 going on 40, soft, kind and loving...
she hangs on to my leg each time she see's me.
She has the biggest heart and the best kisses!

We had breakfast with the girls and they swam and played after the parade.
Their mom, my niece Dean-na, is the best.
I love that she includes me in events like these,
that she realizes how much I love her, the girls and her husband Anthony.

On the 4th, we watched the fireworks from our backyard.
Living on the river, we were able to see displays from four surrounding towns,
and our next door neighbor who had some big and beautiful ones.

Best choice, the fireworks were all awesome and best of all, no traffic!


  1. You Americans certainly know how to celebrate! Your 'girls' are very sweet. LOVE Lorelei's gorgeous red curls.

  2. Hello, your girls are sweeties. Cute photos. The parade looks like a fun time. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  3. It looks like you had a great day! Beautiful little girls. I am loving the curls and the red hair. Too adorable. Thanks for sharing your girls today.

  4. Perfect 4th of July Celebration!!!

    Oh that Lorelei!!!! Perfect name,for that fiery red curly hair!!!!!!!

    Glad her sister is so outgoing, because she is going to have to "work on," not being over-shadowed, by her sister Lorelei. In that picture #5, you can see, that Adelina knows, already... That the spotlight automatically seeks Lorelei.

    Forewarned is forearmed.....

    Luna Crone

  5. Dear Debbie!
    Your girls are beautiful. Parade is a great time to have fun and celebrate.
    Beautiful are your photos.
    Greetings from Poland.

  6. Adorable grand nieces! The red hair is beautiful.

  7. Hi Debbie!:) This looks like a fun occasion. Children must love decorating their bikes, scooters and carts, and taking part in the parade. Great shots of your sweet little girls.:) It's lovely that you were included in this family 4th of July celebration.

  8. Both those girls are ever so cute. Those red hair are hard to miss, but Adelina's sweet smile is charming as well.

  9. Little Ginger is adorable and does look spunky--probably because of her red hair.
    Adelina has a sweetness that shows through in her eyes and the way she poses.
    What a fun time in that little town. Little town parades are the very best!!

  10. Those are two, sweet girls. Glad you are a part of their lives!

  11. They are absolutely adorable!! Looks like y'all had a great time!! I love parades--- so festive! Tell me about the whales y'all are seeing when you get time ok? We have right whales migrate through here annually but not close in enough to see

  12. Oh i just now saw your baby robins post--- they are so cute and so eager to learn all about life and being "big birds" arent they? Love to watch mommy animals tending go their babies

  13. Super great photos!! Of course, I would expect no less!
    You really caught the spirit of the celebration! Such beautiful children.....makes me smile.

  14. Well itt is certainnly a red, whote and blue day with lots of fun Debbie.

  15. aw, your nieces are so lovely and I really enjoy it when they pop up in your posts. Everyone puts a lot of work into the decorations. Lots of fun to sit back and see the fireworks. Cheers!

  16. That is what we do at our daughter and sils -- watch the fireworks the neighbors shoot off -- no traffic to worry about and it doesn't cost any money. We had a great da with the family picnicing and playing.

  17. Those little ones are so precious! I know how much you love them, Debbie. :)


  18. Oh the photos of your precious little ones are adorable. I love that you are included in these fun moments. I really like the parade. It bring back some memories of decorating bikes and etc. in the hometown I grew up in. You must live in such a unigue area to have so many fun events right near you and your backyard. I love when you can watch the fireworks from your back yard. We have some holidays where the fireworks are near enought to do the same thing.
    Happy you had a sweet 4th! Hugs~
