
Thursday, April 6, 2017


Audrey Hepburn once said "To plant a garden - is to believe in tomorrow"

I say "If you plant an Orchid - you believe in eternity"!

My "newer" Orchid plant is doing so well, it started to bloom this week.
I have 2 very healthy shoots on it.
One shoot has 3 flowers, with 7 coming.
The second shoot has 2 flowers, with 4 more coming.

So on this dark, gloomy, rainy day
 - which I secretly love -
seeing these flowers will bring me much joy and happiness!


  1. Hello, Debbie! Your orchids are beautiful. They are lovely blooms, so glad they are growing so well. I can see why they bring you happiness. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  2. I love dark rainy days too! I am in awe of you growing orchids! I don't have anything growing in the house - not even ivy! I think I must have a black thumb when it comes to house plants!

  3. Audrey Hepburn, said a great truth, Debbie. Watching plants grow is a good gift. Beautiful!!!

  4. So very beautiful, Debbie. Love the color! :)


  5. These are gorgeous. You certainly know how to grow beautiful Orchids and other flowers as well.

  6. I would have those, if I didn't constantly fight my wife's collecting of all things.

  7. I love orchids! All the colors and they just are so pretty sometimes it is hard to tell if they are real or not. This on is beautiful

  8. I think I've already shared with you in the space that I, like you, share the obsession of orchids. Just can't get enough. Xoxo Andrea @ This Knitted Life

  9. Aren't orchids precious! Love this one of yours!

  10. Your orchids are truly beautiful, and a fantastic colour.
    Lovely photographs

    All the best Jan

  11. Debbie, they are gorgeous!!!
    Looks like you did a mighty fine job caring for this one.

  12. You have a magic tough Debbie, both in taking care of those exquisite orchid blooms and also taking photos of them. Absolutely gorgeous!

  13. Debbie, I tried my hand at growing orchids and was a total failure! So, I really admire your efforts.

  14. Debbie, it's no secret - I love those kind of days, too! Your orchids and photos are gorgeous. I've never had any success with orchids.

  15. Beautiful! So colorful and elegant!

  16. Orchids are so amazing! Like little butterflies! Enjoy your rainy day :) xo Karen

  17. Gorgeous colour and oh those blooms - so wonderful. All those healthy buds promising more too.
    Yes, being indoors all cosy and snug is a lovely feeling when it's bad weather outside, I know what you mean :D)

  18. Oh these Orchids are so lovely. The color is spectacular and home grown is the best. . No wonder they bring you happiness. I of coure, love the photos for more than one reason. Blessing and hugs!
