
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Good Fences ~ Edition 43 ~

ohhhh I am in such a fence conundrum!!
Let me explain.
There are plenty of fences at the Jersey Shore,
but I don't drive (boo-hoo) so getting new, fresh pictures of fences
every week is difficult for me!
When we went to Longwood Gardens, I was hoping for lots of fences. 
No such score.
There were a few "fence like" structures I can share,
these were all in the children's garden.

This railing was gorgeous but I could not get a good picture,
mainly because so many peeps were leaning on it and wouldn't move...
even though I was huffing and puffing!!
I am going to add pictures of our deserts to this post,
and although they have nothing to do with fences,
they add some color and "zip" to this entry!!

Dinner was awesome as well...I forgot to take pictures!

Sharing more images from Longwood Gardens with my good friend
for Good Fences
Stop by and consider joining in the fun, any fence or gate will do!  


  1. HI Debbie, pretty shots from Longwood.. The fences work for me. And the desserts look delicious! Have a happy day!

  2. Oh I think you did very well in the fence department but I have to say after I seen the dessert I was a bit distracted while drooling:) Hug B

  3. Don't drive? I didn't know that was allowed in America!

  4. Top marks for your fences Debbie! Oh yes... bring on those desserts - too divine :D)

  5. I think those gorgeous structures qualify as fences! Wow, that garden area looks sooooo peaceful. I'd like to sit there a while.

    Those desserts look so good! My breakfast seems quite bland now. :-)

  6. Oh no, it's too early for me to be (dreaming all day long now) over these delicious works of art! Yikes, help me fast! I must concentrate on your lovely fence views within that charming place. Yes, think flowers!

  7. Mmmm! Those desserts look scrumptious! You are going to make me hungry!

  8. I think your fences are fabulous, Debbie :) And those desserts....YES PLEASE! Have a great Thursday :)

  9. i think you did pretty well getting an arbor and several railings and bridges! :)

  10. No fence at gardens - they really miss out, don't they! I take your dessert any time, especially the second one (some kind of creme brulee?).

  11. Even though they're not 'officially' fences, they still look great. Is that creme brulee?? Yum!

  12. My mouth is watering! Delicious.

  13. Such beautiful pictures of the gardens. Love the decorative railing and arbor and the two desserts look delicious, and are two of my favourite puddings, Creme caramel, and Sticky toffee pudding with icecream mmm yummy!!:)
    Kind Regards.

  14. I'm thinking that someday I want to go there; it's such a feast for beauty. :)

    Deserts? YUM!


  15. Hi Debbie - I'm still here, just have so many things to catch up on that I can't seem to sit at the computer more than one day a week! I love your photos, and especially those desserts. I LOVE sweets (too much) :)

  16. Beautiful gardens to look at especially with all the snow around us now. That railing was quite interesting.

  17. That last fence-type-object looks quite FENCIFUL to me!

  18. What a lovely place to visit. I think you got a good picture of a fence on the last one. The food looked delicious. I would say this was a sweet day for the two of you.

  19. Looks "fency" to me! I'm drooling over your desserts- good grief I am hungry.

  20. Hello Debbie!!
    It happens to me while I eat, i forget to take pictures!Ha ha!!
    Wow!!Your desserts looks so delicious!
    Lovely fences!

  21. I like those fences! The food looks good too!

  22. Those deserts look SO good right now!

  23. As far as I'm concerned, you're good to go! That's a beautiful place!

  24. Wonderful shots. I enjoyed all of them but really liked the third shot down and of course those desserts.

  25. I must be hungry, those desserts got me :) I would love to go to Longwood Gardens. It looks like such a neat place.

  26. Looks like fences to me! So what if they aren't in the "usual" places. :)
