
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Home for the Holidays...

I decorated the house early this year for Christmas.
This is the first time, I decorated before Thanksgiving,
and I am really enjoying it!!
I usually drag everything out the day after Thanksgiving.
The house needs cleaning,
I am tired that day and completely uninspired.
I always feel out-of-sorts...
should I be shopping, should I decorate outside first,
should I watch the parade on the DVR that I missed the day before?
Sometimes one of the boys is still here,
I don't want to decorate when I should be visiting with them.
You gettin' my drift?
So here we go, a little bit of the Christmas spirit
that's alive and well at my house.
Today, I'll show you the family room, enjoy!!

I only decorate downstairs and I no longer decorate the
railings to the upstairs.
It always looked beautiful but it was a lot of work.
I don't put up a big tree anymore either,
just a table top tree in each room.
So what about you guys...have you decorated yet??


  1. You have a beautiful home and you have decorated it very tastefully.

  2. What a lovely house you have!

  3. Debbie is lovely, I have not decorated anything yet.

  4. bwahahaha! :)

    love the santa gourd. you decorate tastefully.

  5. Your home is just beautiful! I have not done any decorating yet.

  6. Beautiful home and beautiful job in decorating your home for Christmas very festive. =0)

    I don't decorate much either and when I do decorate it's done at the beginning of December and I too use a small tabletop tree my mom gave me. ♥

  7. I'm still in fall mode here, but the day after TG, I'll decorate. It will take all weekend, but I enjoy that tradition. We still do one big tree in the family room, but I have two smaller ones in the dining room and base of the stairs. Many of my themed decorations I've gifted to my children (snowmen, Santas, etc.) but I have plenty left. I'm also not one to take it all down right after Christmas -- I leave it up for awhile.

  8. It all looks beautiful. Your home is lovely. I love decorating for Christmas and always start right after Thanksgiving. I prefer to do a little something each day until I get the tree up, which is usually about ten days before Christmas. After the tree goes up, I pretty much put everything else out all in one day.

  9. oh your home is really beautiful Debbie and your deco is so Christmas dreamy.

    Thank you for sharing your picture book home.

  10. Ah yes! It's beginning to look a lot like a lovely Merry Christmas time in your house, and it's just delightful to see.

  11. Your home looks lovely and so tastefully decorated. I love a huge tree,but because there is no longer anyone to carry it up the stairs for me,I have resorted to having two small trees which I can handle.

  12. You have a beautiful family room Debbie! Everything is *so* neat and clean!

  13. I think this looks wonderful. I think your idea is a good one. Just by putting up this tree and it is a smaller tree from years past and I am so happy. It seems so much easier to do it now instead of the day after Thanksgiving.
    I love how nice everything looks.
    You have good ideas. :)

  14. You have a beautiful home...and the decorations are perfect!... I put our tree up before we headed south (OCTOBER).... now when we get home I just have to put things around the house....

  15. Well you are certainly getting me in the mood for Christmas decorating. Your family room is lovely and I loved the pictures of all of your decorations.
    I do plan on decorating our family room downstairs before Thanksgiving. However, I need to be cleaning my house today in preparation.
    Blessings for you for this lovely post!

  16. Lookin' good already! Great idea to start early. We used to have two or three decorated trees, mantelpieces, and stairways when we had our house and the kids were home, cut way back as they grew ....and now of. Course a tabletop tree and wreath are plenty .... Happy with that now, but wouldn't have missed those "big" Christmases for the world! Sweet memories.

  17. Hi dear Purp,
    I try to spread effort out like that. Your decorations are sparkly and golden, like you!
    No tree last year when Josephine was a baby. Year before, a large white pine branch. That thing was gi-normous! Don't have anything breakable on it. Think I will give it a go again this year. Anchor that puppy in a five gallon bucket with river rocks in it. Jono is gonna have a cow, I bet.
    New neurologist yesterday. Have to have EMGs again and 3 MRIs. Oh well. Been thru it before. I liked the new doc a lot, tho.
    xo, m & jb

  18. Beautiful job! I decorate very little these days but I love seeing what other people do.

  19. What a beautiful family room, Debbie! I love the big beautiful windows, great for viewing the outdoors. The Christmas decorations are lovely, just lovely...looks very cozy and inviting. I doubt if I'll decorate much this year, maybe put my small tree up. Thanks for sharing your home with us!

  20. Nice decor. I love dressing up and getting all festive for the holiday.

  21. Really nice job! Your place is beautiful!

  22. I am in total AWE, Debbie. How very beautiful! You have a wonderful gift in everything you do. I love your home. xoxo

  23. You have SUCH a nice touch with the decorating! Everything looks so pretty, and the whole is so cozy and festive. I have not decorated. But you have me thinking here. You are right--after Thanksgiving, we're pulled in so many other directions. Maybe I should start! Not tomorrow, though. We're having five new windows installed. I won't be satisfied until everything is cleaned after that!

  24. It is all beautiful Debbie. I am a true blue Thanksgiving gal...I can't think of Christmas until I have enjoyed the simplicity of Thanksgiving. My dearest friend always puts her tree up just after Halloween. Enjoy the season and stay warm!

  25. Looks lovely Debbie. I don't decorate for Christmas early...but I bought new lights for the tree!

  26. Debbie, it's just beautiful!
    I am going to be waiting until after Thanksgiving to decorate. Surely not for laxk of wanting to, but simple a lack of time. :-)
