
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Saturday Critters ~ 2 ~

 Searching for the perfect nut...
 selecting the perfect nut...
 posing for a picture with the pick of the day.
Chickadees, one of my favorites...
and yes I do say that about all the birds!!

I am super excited to be joining in with Eileen over at
for her new endeavor Saturday Critters.

Also sharing with Anni at I'd Rather Be Birding
many thanks for inviting me!

These images were taken on November 24, 2013


  1. Nice! We have a pair at our feeders. They don't sit long. Grab a seed and go!

  2. Hello Debbie ! Such a beautiful model. They look happy and enjoy your food.
    Have a nice weekend :)

  3. I love chickadees! Yeah, I say that about a lot of birds too, but really there is something so especially charming about these little guys. They dart about so quickly ... which makes it all the more wonderful that you got such great pictures!! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Oh I love chickadees too! Lovely shots Debbie, beautiful bokeh!

  5. The birds are adorable. The light you captured is wonderful!!

  6. The chickadee is beautiful. I have a soft spot in my heart for the birds that are hardy enough to stay with us through the winter months.

  7. so very cute. love the light in these!

  8. Well I had to get caught up and your pictures of the ice are just fantastic. I loved the photo of you and Chuck going down the slide. How do they color the ice? What an amazing time.
    I love your bird pics as usual. They are always so good.

  9. Lovely bird pictures Debbie.

    Greetings and a nice weekend, Joop

  10. Precious Debbie. Beautiful bird!
    Have a good weekend.
    a hug.

  11. He's a sweetie! It looks like you have a bountiful buffet laid out for the birds. Lucky birds! :-) I love the background light in these--very nice.

  12. The little bird is lovely, Debbie!!!

  13. I love the chickadee, Debbie! And I say the same thing, they all my favorites. Thanks for linking up to my critter party. Have a happy weekend!

  14. That last image is really awesome!!!

    If you'd like, stop by and link up at the Bird D'Pot, I'm sure the other avid birders would enjoy your images this weekend.

  15. To many peanuts makes it hard to choose just one to peck at.

    Sweet shots, Debbie
    Be well n be happy :)

  16. I just enjoy chickadees - they always seem to bring a smile to my face.

  17. Lovely shots you have here, it looks like you had a nice sunny day too :)

  18. i love chick-a-dees ... great shots. so cute. ( :

    have a wonderful weekend.

  19. Oh how I love your little bird pictures. You always get such wonderful pictures.

  20. I'm betting your favorite birds were glad to have you return to stock the larder. I love chic-a-dees too. They are so comical to watch.

  21. I love chickadees too and your photos really capture their sweet beauty.

  22. You put out quite a spread, Debbie. No wonder you have so many birds visiting... The pictures are fantastic. Every time I see a bird in my yard it's gone before I can even get the camera in focus :)

  23. Beautiful photos of this cute little bird.
