
Monday, September 30, 2013

Sunday Funday

We had an action packed weekend, one I will remember forever!
Smithville, Delicious Orchard, Craft Shows, Dinners Out...
the weather at the Jersey Shore was perfect.
But the most amazing part of my weekend was my visit here...
I was introduced to this farm by my blogging friend Andee.
Andee's parents own the farm and a few weekend's per year, 
they open the farm up and welcome everyone!
Say hello to Melody and Bo...
here's Tsunami and Reno...Tsunami's wearing gray!
This is Awan, they all have the cutest names
and the sweetest personalities!
I am just thrilled to call Andee at Match the Pictures my friend.
She is beautiful, funny, talented and one amazing mom.
I have one last image to share today...

here I am, getting Alpaca kisses from Maggie!!
Many thanks to Andee, Don, Dee, Leanne and Liz
for all their kindness and carrots!!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Song-ography ~ The Two of Us Edition ~ 10

Two of us riding nowhere, You and me Sunday driving, 
Were on our way back home, Were going home

Two of us sending postcards, Writing letters on my wall
Were on our way home, Were going home

You and I have memories, Longer than the road
Were on our way home,

Were going home!!

Sharing today's Aimee Mann's song Two of Us with
Kathy at You'll Shoot Your Eye Out
Follow the link, check it out, this is a fun one!!


Saturday, September 28, 2013

If You Follow Along...

you know I don't love to cook!!
But there are a few things I make, that are always a big hit,
and often requested!!
Stuffed Mushrooms
I don't have a recipe, I use sweet sausage, sweet onion and seasoned bread crumbs,
and lot's of butter,
necessary to "hold things" together.
These are really good, that is, if you like mushrooms!! 
Son Scott loves them and I always take a batch when we go see him.

Cinnabon Waffles
These are really good and super simple,
you can read the details about making these here.

I get lots of requests for my yummy Meatloaf...

and I always serve it with mashed potatoes and nothing else.
If I'm having company, I do prepare a vegetable.

Deviled Eggs with Bacon,
these are pretty awesome as well.

The other night I made this...


This was very good, no recipe, I was "cleaning out the frig"!!

One other motivator for this dish...I wanted to use these adorable bowls,
from the Christmas Tree Store.

Do you see something yummy?
If you came to my house for dinner,
is there something here you would request?
Do you love to cook?? or is baking your thing??
I find most people love one or the other!!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Six Words Friday ~ Stretch ~





Please stop by and share Six Words with my dear friend Adrienne.
Many thanks Adrienne for hosting Six Words Friday,
it's both challenging and fun!

And since Clytie stopped by, I am sharing Twist with
Random Hearts
because she's right...there is a heart there.
So be sure and stop by, Clytie always sees the love!

My Six Words, good advice for life.
Cape May September 7, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

We Love Connecticut Too!!

This past weekend we visited oldest son Scott who lives in Connecticut.
Here is the view at Katie's parent's cottage in Branford,
a hot spot for boating and kayaking.
Kayaking is on my bucket list, but we didn't go on this day.

Most of them were parked,
a few were resting on the beach.
I found one piece of sea glass and a couple pretty shells.

We visited with Scott, Katie, Abby and Katie's parents on Saturday!
We had an amazing meal at The Beachhead
which had a breathtaking view of the Long Island Sound.

I had a warm, New England Lobster Roll,
the hubs had Fried Shrimp.

I forgot to take pictures but all of the dishes were delicious.

I did not take any people pictures, Scott does not love the camera...

 but here's a cute one of Scott & Katie together in August,
at our house, enjoying the pool. I don't think I ever shared this!

September 22, 2013

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Last of Lambertville

Have you guys had enough of Lambertville yet??
Here's the last of the scarecrows and the last entry from Lambertville,
I promise!!
There are dozens more but I decided to pair it down a "tad".
So to make this a little more fun and interesting,
pick a favorite...if you so desire.
Mine is number 8, the monkey from the Philadelphia Zoo.
Seems to me,
a lot of time and effort went in to the design
and creation of these unusual scarecrows.
Tomorrow, I will share my trip to Connecticut.
A super fun weekend getaway!!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

We Love Lambertville

Remember our trip to Lambertville, New Jersey on September 14...
Nestled on the east bank of the Delaware River, its tree-lined streets,
Victorian houses and Federal row homes 
continue to greet the eye as they did in the 1800s.
It's a wonderful place to spend the day!!
I hope you did not miss my other Lambertville entries,
but if you did, you can read all about that day here and here.
This was my favorite store,
"blue raccoon"
Here's a peak inside, it really had the "wow" factor...
I just adore the brick on the back wall,
and was really smitten with everything else in this store.
Here's the other side of the building, what a neat place!!
I found this wall of eclectic clocks in a different store...
these would not "go" with my decor but they were so fun and colorful!!
I didn't buy anything that I can recall...
I am not much of a shopper, I really have everything I need.
I do enjoy wandering through the stores
and I love to see what other people are buying.
So what about you guys, are you die hard shoppers...
or window shoppers??
Do you love shopping for clothes or home decor?? 
Or is internet shopping more your style??

Monday, September 23, 2013

Country Road...

take me home...
It always pays to ride the back roads in these parts...
so you don't miss momma...

and her sweet new baby!!